Collection: Alice Nampitjinpa

Alice Nampitjinpa was born in 1943 near Talaalpi, a swamp in the desert near the Western Australian border. Her father was Uta Uta Tjangala, who was one of the original Papunya Tula painters.

Prior to painting, Alice worked at the Kintore School for many years teaching the young girls dancing and the traditions of the desert people. Alice started painting on the "Minyama Tjukurrpa" - the Kintore Haasts Bluff collaborative canvas project. As a painter she is inspired by her rich cultural heritage, and thrives when involved with her stories and lore.

Alice Nampitjinpa was an active "dancing woman" who travelled widely to participate in annual ceremonies and 'Womens Law' meetings.

Her main story is the porcupine or Tjilkamata which is told using bright colours such as orange and yellow to mirror the ochres that are used in ceremonial body painting.

Alice was a keen hunter and likes to go hunting with fellow artist Eunice Jack Napanangka. 

Sadly, Alice Nampitjinpa passed away at the end of 2020.