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Eva Napaltjarri Nelson

Ngadajirri (Budgerigar Dreaming) MK18123

Ngadajirri (Budgerigar Dreaming) MK18123

Regular price $8,000.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8,000.00 AUD
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Year: 2015

Size: 118 x 119.5cm
acrylic on linen

This painting shows Eva’s depiction of 'Ngadajirri or Budgerigar Dreaming and portrays the breeding site of the budgerigar in Eva’s homeland at Mount Dennison, north east of Alice Springs in Central Australia.

Employing fields of intricate dotting Eva’s painting shows the landscape of her country with its contours and hills, the waterholes where the birds flock to drink and play at the water's edge, and the sites where they lay their eggs. 

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