Collection: Senior Artists of The Western Desert

4 June - 29 June

‘Senior Artists of the Western Deserts’ is an exhibition that celebrates the profound, vibrant artistry of Australia's First Nations people of Australia’s Western Deserts.

The Western Desert region, encompassing vast areas of Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory, is home to some of the most accomplished Aboriginal artists whose works have gained international acclaim.

These artists are custodians of rich cultural traditions that span tens of thousands of years.

This exhibition offers a glimpse into the deep spiritual and cultural connections that they have with their ancestral lands.

Through the use of bold colours, intricate linear and pointillist work, and mesmerizing patterns, the artworks convey stories of creation, law and the natural world.

Each piece is a testament to the artists' enduring relationship with the land, their traditional and cultural narratives, and their commitment to preserving their heritage.